Wednesday, July 20, 2011

6 month stats and more...

(this post was for May 25th)

My little love bug is 6 months old! A little bit about what we've been up to.

Here are her stats:
Weight 16 lbs. 11 oz (71%) Height: 26 inches (67%)

Adalyn enjoys spending her time time rolling around on the floor.  She gets upset pushing herself backwards on the hardwood floors,  she doesn't go backwards on purpose and usually ends up stuck in a corner or against a wall...etc.

My favorite thing to do with Adalyn is take her to the beach.  I love to watch her experience the sand, putting her toes in the water, and feeling the breeze blow through her hair.   I love days at the beach, if all goes as planned she naps on the car ride up and continues napping for the first little while at the beach, wakes up to eat and play and then she naps on the way home AND when we get home.  That afternoon nap is almost always a 3 hour nap which I love because it gives me time to unpack, shower and take a nap as well.  Oh and one of the best parts is I get to have girl time with friends while the kids are entertained.

Ethan and Adalyn

Adalyn loves food, overall she's a good eater.  At first it was easy to see that pears, prunes and apples were her favorites... carrots not so much.  But she eats all her fruits, veggies and meats like a good little girl.

her first ride in a shopping cart

I have enjoyed making some of her baby food, and even don't mind licking her spoon clean.  Andy thinks that's gross, but I think it tastes quite delicious, after all it's just fresh pureed fruits and veggies.

So happy to be getting pedicures during the babies naps

Toothbrush thief

Dad's little north face girl getting ready for Alaska

trying out her new backpack, she squeals and kicks and seems to love being in it

I guess I took too long getting her dinner

I have been having fun reading about what toys are good for babies in their different developmental stages and I've continued to be a fan of amazon mom.  They make it so convenient by having your credit card number stored, offering free 2 day shipping on some baby items.  My new favorite toy is an elephant.  (Do I but the toys for her or me? :) )

..... what else.... Oh another favorite thing has been going into her room after she has fallen asleep to see how she ended up.  She always slept on her back until one night when she decided that that was not comfortable anymore.  And from that night on she's slept on her side or on her tummy.

She's developed a liking for a teddy bear which has been cute to watch.  One morning Andy picked her up out of her crib as she did a nose dive back down to her crib to make sure her teddy bear wasn't going to be left behind.

I love my little munchkin, some days I go in her room during nap time or during the night to watch her sleep or to give her a kiss because I miss her.  And if I'm not too tired (I am responsible for putting her back to sleep if I wake her up) I pick her up and hug her.

Her smiling face when she wakes up from her nap

She has always been one that you have to make work for her smiles, until recently she has started smiling on cue when you smile at her.  My dad says she gives him a  fake smile just to please him.

Just last week I put away her 6 months clothes and pulled out her 12 month clothes, mainly because we only have a few 9 month items, but the 12 month seem to work just fine.

Adalyn and I went down to Santa Barbara to visit Dad (he was down there working) in May.  We had fun but came back early because what's the use of paying for a hotel on a holiday weekend when you already live in a gorgeous area... and you're work is with you no matter what. :)  While we were there we found these pretty gerbera daisies at the farmers market for $1.  So this is what I used them for.... to let Adalyn pull them apart and have fun with them...

he loves me, he loves me not, he loves me, he loves me not...

Uncle Garrett came to visit

Stayin clean in the wagon

The Olsen's playing in the dirt
We went to the park and had a BBQ with our friends.  It was so nice to have Adalyn just hanging out in the wagon. I am enjoying the stage she is in where she doesn't have to be crawling around in the dirt.  I am going to enjoy it for as long as it lasts.

Gracie and Addie

Learning to use a sippy cup
The monthly growing pictures with the Grinch have been hard to capture because she no longer lays still on her back, she's either trying to roll or bringing her feet up to her mouth.

In May I celebrated my first Mother's Day with Adalyn here, last year she was still cookin in my belly.  Andy ended up having to leave town so we celebrated the day before by having breakfast together and just spending the day together.  Adalyn even surprised me with a heart ring.