Tuesday, April 28, 2009

okay I need input here, am I posting too many pictures and not enough writing?


Miller Family said...

MARISSA!!! I'm so proud of you!!! So basically you can do whatever you want. But I do want to tell you that you can put more than 5 pictures in a post. So you don't have to do 2 post to put all your engagement pictures up. Does that make sense? Just hit the picture button again to add more. Maybe you wanted it that way, which is fine, I'm just letting you know. Call me if you have any questions, and good job! Once you catch up, it will be easy to keep it up to date on your current life.

armstrongfamilyblog said...

Hey Ginny,
I've tried entering more pictures to one post but haven't been able to figure it out. I have been doing it through picassa, it lets me click on more than 4 pictures, but then it only imports 4. I guess I'll have to keep playing around with it. You're right, once i'm caught up it will be easy to keep up on the current events. Thanks so much for your help with blogging!