Her binky is by far her favorite toy
She's started drooling a ton and sometimes just starts screaming (no, not crying, just straight screaming), I'm wondering if I'll be seeing teeth soon? The doctor told me that 4 months is just a drooly age and that the screaming is most likely her discovering her voice.
In the past week she has decided she likes to stand, holding onto mom's hands of course, I wasn't expecting her to have such good trunk control so soon. (I'm amazed at how quickly these little people grow and progress) I was my mom's earliest walker at 9 months, I'm hoping Adalyn will wait awhile longer than I did.
She will be 17 weeks old this coming Thursday. We had her 4 month check up last week and here are her stats:
Weight: 15 lbs exactly/ 83rd percentile
Height: 24.5 inches/65th percentile
Her doctor said that we could start giving her rice cereal, fruits and vegetables anytime now. That night we gave her rice cereal for the first time... it really wasn't that fun. It took her a little while to get how to eat it and most of it ended up on her bib, towards the end she just started getting frustrated and kept throwing her head back. I had made it really thin, which could have been the problem, so eventually I just ended up feeding it to her through a bottle. I was hoping that she was maybe going to sleep a little longer after having her rice cereal before bedtime, but it made no difference, so for now I have just decided to give it to her every once in a while. Since I don't really have any reasons to introduce fruits and veggies, besides for our entertainment, I am going to wait until she is closer to 6 months old.
Trying to get her to smile... the hands always go in front of the mouth.
Her first San Jose Sharks (Ice Hockey) game. She did great. I was impressed with how well the earmuffs worked.